And now 2024.
I'm not sad to see the door slamming into the ass-end of 2023 as it gathers its trailing filth and prepares its exit. It holds fiercely to the last minute, surveying the chaotic mess it is leaving and I feel its rabid smirk. Its work is done, I guess.
So the nightmare year saunters casually out and leaves us memories of the lost, their essences hovering and wafting around us. How can they be gone? They were impactful, necessary, all.
It's like losing fucking limbs.
2023 let only a couple of good things sneak by its viciously guarded troll-bridge.
A baby. Significant, adored.
An oracle named Charles, who could have changed the course of my life if I'd had his brand of wisdom and clarity when I was eleven, before ...
Two people firmly united against cruel exaggerations and outright lies that left a tsunami of havoc that even eventual honesty couldn't fully repair. Sadly, the most innocent suffered the most damage and the healing is slow - but thankfully steady.
But two people are reborn. So thanks.
A soul-freeing admission that I am capable of feeling deep hate as well as deep love. Oh, and of honesty, see?
A renaming ceremony on July 4,
Am-Elle-ican Independence Day, celebrating
"L " (ta, Bob) who became Elle decades ago on the inside, but was cowed by fear of hurting others. Sad in retrospect because I know now they wouldn't have been hurt at all. Hell, they wouldn't even have noticed.
The name is mine. And there's a certain irony which could have ruined it, but somehow it made me laugh.
The mine. Just like all the other stuff.
Mysterious things, I guess and they must remain so. At least, until the private proliferation of prose and poems are published and public - probably posthumously! 😂
(How's that, Bob?😁)
And so now 2024 is born. Here the smooth, flawless face of the newborn, its breath milk-sweet and its serene eyes filled with promise. How will it grow, mature, and then age?
Could 365 short days make the innocent babe mimic its demonic predecessor?
Would it be somehow bearable? Again?
Resolutions, you now ask, fascinated reader.😁
Well, ok.
Stop fighting and embrace the beautiful and intractable bitch within.
Believe Charles.
Write, paint, draw, read, ponder, plan, prepare and throw shit away.
Oh yeah and that whole 10-15 pound thing ...again!😁
Happy New Year to everyone - almost.
Oh come on! If we're really honest, there's always at least one, right?🤣
🥂 to you, 2024. Bring it on!