It’s the end of January and I’m off to a very shaky start to the year. The first surgery, a simple carpal tunnel release, went fine, but because I have a small tear in a thumb ligament as well, I have been put into a hard cast while everything heals. Fine! Sigh! I mean you have to assume that these people all know what they are doing, right?!? 🤔. But the cast feels tight and uncomfortable and my thumb feels like it’s been cast into a very odd position. It’s all somewhat painful and the tingling and numbness is still there. Ortho surgeon assures me all normal after the surgery I had. 🤷♀️
And then my left hand got pissy about picking up the slack while the right hand was resting, so it decided to swell up around the arthritic joint and now it’s in a soft splint as well. Gives you quite a new appreciation for your hands really!!🤣🤣
So it’s quiet here. I have Mike, books, a TV with lots of shit on it, cats and dog to cuddle. My mama’s health has taken a turn as well, so I’m sad as well as in pain.
I am like a bear with a sore head though – I kinda like to curl up alone and make sense of all this. Don’t really need too much company while I work through all these new year issues.
Love y’all though and I hope your 2020 is getting off to a more auspicious beginning than mine is!😁
Back in some kind of circulation soon, I promise!