Tuesday, November 25, 2014

One Tough Mother!

It’s been a scary couple of days. In fact, it’s been surprisingly incapacitating.  I have been hunched up on my couch, waiting for my phone to ring, waiting for the hammer to fall, waiting for the end of life as I know it. 
Yep, my Mum has been ill.  But not just any kind of ill. In the space of a week, she went from being the healthiest octogenarian on the planet, to one of the sickest. Really no need for detail, but she was flown by air ambulance to Sydney, where she was immediately rushed in for a 4 ½ hour surgery.  Before she went, my siblings (and me by phone) were given that warning that we all dread. Her chances were not all that good.  And so we waited.
And damned if that tough old bird didn’t come through it with flying colors, and immediately start improving!  Much to the amazement of doctors and family alike, she rallied and began her recovery, and a mere five hours post surgery, she and I had a very dozey, but perfectly wonderful, Skype call, where she even managed to joke when I told her she looked amazing, saying that amazing is not necessarily a positive word!  We Skyped again today, and she told me my new glasses look good and, with a grin, that they made me look intelligent!  A heartwarming insult, for sure!
I am off my couch, cautiously optimistic, understanding that she’s got a way to go yet, a long road to recovery, but with a new appreciation for not only her stamina, but for how much her continued presence in this world means to me.
For two years, I’ve struggled with the thought of that long journey, knowing that I will be in agony after a 24 hour journey, that my head may not turn to left or right for my entire visit!  I’ve put off the idea over and over, never dreaming there could be a ‘too late’ scenario. Just thinking that surely I must start to improve soon. And with the latest round of treatment, I have, finally, had some improvements. And so I’m planning my visit for just as soon as she’s able to enjoy it.  I want to fly away now, of course, but I know if she could choose, she would want to be in her house and able to enjoy the visit, so I’ll wait for that time. And the way she’s going, it won’t be long!  (Side note – don’t run red lights, people. You can change someone’s life in a heartbeat!)
So if you read this as my friend, or if you happen upon it as a stranger, spare a thought for my dear old Mum. Send whatever you have out into the world for us, be it prayer, positive energy, good vibes or healing white light! Whatever you believe in, send it along!  I know I’ve spent the week praying to a God who I’ve never even been sure about, thinking endlessly positive thoughts, and keeping all my energy focused on my Mum.
My siblings are with her, she’s in one of the finest hospitals in Australia, and if thoughts, prayers and love can help pull her through, then she should be just fine!

It’s Thanksgiving week, people! 
Guess what I’m thankful for today!