As I prepare to celebrate Christmas 2012, with this pall of
tragedy draped heavily over it, I feel a kind of responsibility to find
the joy in the season, as those lost babies in Connecticut would have. I feel a
need to join in with the rampant overabundance of this holiday season and
remember, with every step I take and every cent I spend, how lucky I am to be
able to do it. I feel a sense of urgency when I think of Christmas with my kids
this year, to celebrate it all to its fullest extent.
I know how lucky I am. . .and I won’t whine about any of it.
I will not allow the doom and gloom to win.
This world can be a sad, cold-hearted bitch at times, for
sure, but we are alive in it today. I am off to find conscious joy in the shopping
and the cooking and the decorating and yes, even in the spending, because I’m
alive to do it. It would feel wrong to do otherwise.
In honor of twenty six people who have died too soon, I will
celebrate Christmas with all of the love and joy and excitement that this
season should bring to us. And that
feels right and respectful.
No more bah humbug.
We are alive.