It’s a different kind of Christmas morning in the Tivey house. I woke up early, and listened to the silence in the house. Inevitably, that very silence brought back memories of the crazed tumult of the years of Christmases when the children barely waited until daybreak before the frantic stocking opening began. I always loved it so much, and I was determined to perpetuate all the magic as long as I could. Santa’s wrapping paper was different from our tree gifts, he had a fat and sprawling handwriting that couldn’t possibly have been mine! The moment of the transfer of the Santa gifts into the living room late, late on Christmas Eve was always a terrifying moment for me. Imagine if one of the children had chosen that moment to come wandering out of the bedroom! It never happened, but truth be told, I was prepared for that too, and always had my cover story ready, just in case! Whether they really believed in it all as long as they seemed to, I’m not so sure. But I presume they loved the magic enough to pretend – and perhaps they didn’t want me to be upset!! Ha. How the child becomes the parent!!
This morning, with no tumult at all, Mike and I made super strong coffee and monkey bread for brekkie, and exchanged a few little gifts. It was unusual but cozy, and I was surprisingly cheerful about this first ever Christmas morning with no children at all in the house. They’re on their way, of course, which is the thing that makes it all ok. And by mid-afternoon, this quiet house will be bursting at the seams with most of the people who we love most in the world, and Christmas will be Christmas again.
Yesterday, we were not feeling particularly festive. I was trying to fight off a cold, and Mike was trying to straighten up after throwing his back out at work the day before. As I was lazing about feeling mildly miserable, my Christmas miracle arrived! Danny called ME to wish us all a merry Christmas, and discuss some plans, which will include him sitting at my Christmas table next year!! Oh, I will die happy if we can make that happen!!
For now, that magical and unexpected phone call will suffice, and adding it to family Christmas later today, I feel thoroughly festive and joyful. Santa has sneaked in and left stockings for children who are probably too old for them. (HA!) I notice the old bastard unexpectedly still has that same sprawling handwriting … old habits die hard, eh?!
Merry, merry Christmas to Danny, Melanie, Steven and Rachel, the four lights of my life, and all the members of my American family, who have further illuminated my wonderful world!
I love you all. Merry Christmas!!